Building an Infrastructure of Dissent The last blog hosted by Beacon focussed on what has been happening recently in our schools and concluded that education is important for us all, always, not just during a pandemic. That’s hard to disagree…
Education is important for us all, always, not just during a pandemic Education has been at the centre of the Covid-19 storm. Teachers, assistants, others who support work in schools have all been compromised by the inability of the Government…
Schools Safety Fiasco: Political leaders gamble with our childrens lives. There’s so much conflicting information and advice about Covid. Infact that much that you would be forgiven that it is a specific government tactic to cause confusion. Advice – U…
Why we have to build back differently with a City Region Green Deal The pandemic has focused minds. This virus seems to search out every single weakness in our social, political, economic as well as biological systems. What we’re concerned…
National, local and social media platforms are buzzing with news of the arrest of Liverpool’s elected City Mayor. All and sundry, from the informed and misinformed to the mischievous and malicious are taking the opportunity to furnish us with their…
The new normal is a reliance on charity while government continues to strip the state and transfer billions of pounds from the public purse to private organisations, many of which have direct links to Tory Party members.
As politicians consider additional regional and localised restrictions, and the voices in favour of another “lockdown” grow ever louder, who is speaking out for us? Who is organising us?
None of us have lived through anything like the corona virus pandemic before. It’s caused uncertainty, worry, and stress.
What if publicly owned and directed assets could be better than the market alternative? Where then for the neoliberal "The market always produces the best results" consensus?
The Liverpool City region is on edge; the edge of a physical and mental health crisis the likes of which have not been seen in many of our lifetime’s, as we enter an economic decline not witnessed for generations.